Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Starting...!

It's 6:16 am and there is a hole in one of the eggs! I woke up early, and was lying on the couch with Marc when I joked about hearing cheeping from the incubator. Then, we DID hear cheeping! It's early for the chick, too, as they aren't due until tonight! There's a tiny little beak peeking out of the broken egg shell, and every once in a while it cheeps. Oh my goodness, it is beyond adorable!!!

Marc is hovering over the incubator (ah, so this is why it's called The HovaBator), and thinks the first chick hatched should be named Adam or Eve. Fitting. Actually, we found another egg that has a bigger hole on the side of it that we hadn't noticed before. Marc wants to put a little dab of food dye on the head of the first chick hatched, so we can see how he/she does.

Stay tuned...I think this will be a busy day here in The Chicken Diaries. I'll be home most of the day, hovering (See? See?) over the incubator, oohing and aw'ing. I am going out for lunch with friends, and I am making a pledge right now not to spend the whole time talking about my chicks. Seriously. Okay, I'll at least try...

I'll let you know when the first chick has achieved freedom from his/her egg.


1 comment:

  1. It is 7:30 a.m now and one of the chicks has popped the top off of his egg and is almost out. He is adorably ugly. I have been trying to video tape the birth on my camera, but my camera is old and not that great and so I don't know how well it will turn out. Breaking out of the egg seems like an exhausting endeavor. It's almost as exhausting to watch. I wanted, with everything that is in me, to reach in and flick the top off of his egg to help him out, but I know that I can't. He needs to do this on his own. It's a part of his journey, and I suspect his survival during the rest of his journey partly hinges on him being able to get out the egg himself. So I watch, feeling helpless, rejoicing with every bit of success he has.

    Hmmm...that may be a bit too deep for 7:39 a.m...
