Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Of HovaBators and Kittens

Well, I discovered yesterday that The HovaBator started its journey in Fruitland, Idaho and has made its way through Seattle to Vancouver, crossing the border and clearing customs on April 16th. I'm thinking that means it should be here soon. Which is good, because I've been saving eggs, and if it doesn't come soon we may have to build an addition on the hen house. Marc keeps saying, "You want to hatch all those?" I tell him that I am making allowances for defects, droppage and roosters. Oh, by the way, Marc has also informed me that we will be able to keep one rooster. Apparently Bruce will keep him in his place. This should be interesting.

On the subject of critter drama, we have recently acquired two new kittens. Marc and Grace went to pick out a kitten yesterday. Grace has a friend whose aunt had a cat with kittens, bless her heart. Anyway, they came home with two of the sweetest, most adorable kittens on the face of the planet. I know, I know, I'm the mom, I have to say things like that, but I think it just may be true. The kittens have been formally named Sheldon and Sawyer. Sheldon is my favorite character on "The Big Bang Theory" and Sawyer is Marc's fave from Lost. To be honest, I think I have run out of Lord of the Ring names. I blame the time we bought a pet rat for Gracie and she had 11 babies 3 weeks after we brought her home. We pretty much used up the entire cast of Lord of the Rings on them.

The critter drama will come into play as the kittens get acquainted with the rest of the gang. They have already met Pippin the bunny, who promptly tried to...well...romance them, without the benefit of candy or flowers. Mini, the dog, is not impressed. She's still trying to get over Pippin being here. She was mildly interested, and did a bit of bum sniffing at first, but had now decided that Sheldon and Sawyer can only mean trouble. This, of course, is probably true. There's no word on what the chickens think, as they have not met the kittens yet.

I am, for all intents and purposes, in love.

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